Boo! The Joys of Halloween


Halloween has always been a joyful holiday for me. I owe that all to my Mama, the Queen of all things Halloween! Our house has always been decorated and decked out more for Halloween than for Christmas. She used to sit out on the porch and read fortunes to neighborhood ghouls and boys. My brothers and I tried and still try to carry and the spooktacular displays but one brother actually threw up when he saw the guts of a pumpkin. Boo on brother Joe. And the only two times I have ever peed on myself were on Halloween…once when I could not unbutton my Wonder Woman suit (turns out that is not a super power) and once in a full bunny rabbit suit. I held it in all night and peed right on the front porch…no more trick-or-treaters that night! So we will never come close to the Bootiful Wanda the Mama Witch but it sure is fun trying. XOXO Wynn