A Man Called Ove by Fredrik Backman

Meet Ove. The most judgmental old jerk you will ever love. 


Ove’s story takes place in Sweden. It’s not a thriller. Not a murder-mystery.  Doesn’t have any special plot twist or suspenseful surprise ending. It’s just a simple story and that is how Ove would want it. Ove is a curmudgeon who thinks his best days are over. He doesn’t like drama, feelings, other people and definitely not new technology. Some of the funniest lines involve Ove shopping for “ [o]pad computers”  and not wanting to pay full price since it doesn’t even have a keyboard. Ove doesn’t like others in his life (he only trusts people who drives Saabs.) Little does he know how much others actually need him. A series of events lead to Ove encountering eccentric characters including his new neighbors complete with a pregnant wife and small loud children, three teenage boys trying to figure out their sexuality and a kitty who just can’t stay out of trouble but has taken a liking to Ove. Ove learns that he may be more useful than he gives himself credit for and that life unfolds in unique ways to teach us many lessons. 


I really got involved with these characters and found myself actually laughing with them and feeling their pain.  I missed Ove and the gang when the book ended and to me that is the sign of a good book. I give a definitive thumbs up from me and paws up from Roo.  “A Man Called Ove” has also been made into a movie

From Rescue Pup to TV Star

My rescue Chihuahua, Roo, has been a “star” in my eyes since I adopted her in May. Turns out, Good Morning America thinks so too!

I entered Roo into GMA’s “Pet of the Year” contest completely on a whim but much to my surprise, she was selected as a finalist. Even more surprising? GMA wanted both of us in New York for the big show. The once-in-a-lifetime experience was about to begin!  Before we got to New York, the GMA Producer wanted a lot – this was going to be a red carpet, Academy Award-type of event.

I submitted dozens of photos, a lot of video, and a possible acceptance speech I had written in “Roo’s voice” – they wanted to know her hopes and dreams!  Oh, and there were costumes. The “Pet of the Year” show was planned for Thanksgiving week so I bought a fancy dress for me and a tutu for Roo – all in orange – to match the fall theme. But then impeachment happened, and coverage of that took over news programming on every channel and we were bumped.

Fast forward a few weeks to December 13th. Roo and I were headed to New York, this time in red and green for Christmas.  Roo handled the plane ride well and slept through most of the three-hour drive from LaGuardia (yes, it took that long!) to our hotel in Times Square

Then came the only negative of this whole experience – the 3am wake-up call to get to the studio. Roo was not happy. (And I wasn’t that happy either!) We arrived at GMA by 5am. All I can say is “wow!” GMA has so many people behind-the-scenes that us viewers never see. Producers, interns, camera operators, set designers, anchors, reporters, escorts, security, and more. Even people who simply change the curtain panels between commercials

Before our segment, we were taken to the Green Room with the other Pet Parents and we were we spoiled – catered food, plush couches, and a window overlooking Times Square

Roo and I met Quackers the Goose, Simon the Cat (who has more than 300,000 Instagram followers) and River the Retriever, among others.  From the Green Room, we went to hair and makeup where Roo fell asleep getting her head powdered during a bump shot. It made for an excellent Twitter GIF

As we headed to the set, we bumped into actor Jon Hamm. An advocate for rescues himself, he introduced himself to Roo and I and said he loved her tutu. We also met Michael Strahan, Lara Spencer and Amy Robach – who I went to UGA with.  Soon after, the audience came in and then – very quickly –it was over. Roo didn’t win but the whole experience was so surreal and fun it really didn’t matter


With a “Bark Box” full of prizes in tow, we headed backed to the hotel but not before bumping into Dr. Oz on the way. By noon, we were on the plane home! Now that I’m back in Atlanta and have a moment to reflect, I’m in awe of the experience. But more than anything, I’m so grateful that sweet little Roo came into my life. My little rescue pup – who doctors weren’t sure would make it – has blossomed into the most spirited, happy-go-lucky pup imaginable.